Advent Word Challenge

Sunday, December 3, 2017, was the first Sunday of Advent.  My church is doing an Advent word challenge: one word a day until Christmas.

If you want to join along, here are the instructions and word list.  You don’t have to be a member of my church, or any church, to participate.

Instructions:  You are invited to read and reflect on Biblical themes during Advent with our faith family at Temple UMC.  After your reading and reflection, you are encouraged to take a photo, draw, paint, or journal how the passage and the word for the day spoke to you.  Then share on social media (FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) and include the hashtag: #tumcadvent2017.  Others can search using that tag and see what you’ve posted.  Come on; join the journey.

The red dates are Sundays.  The purple date is Christmas.



Dec. 3:  Hope.  Luke 21: 25-28

Dec. 4:  Promise.  Jeremiah 33: 14-16

Dec. 5:  Beginning.  John 1: 1-2

Dec. 6:  Guide.  Psalm 25:5

Dec. 7:  Wonder.  Luke 1:26-33

Dec. 8:  Shout.  Isaiah 52: 7-9

Dec. 9:  Strengthen.  1 Thess. 3:13

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Dec. 10:  Peace.  Luke 1:77-79.

Dec. 11:  Refine.  Malachi 3: 2-3

Dec. 12.  Prepare.  Luke 3: 3-6

Dec. 13.  Abound.  Phil. 1: 9-11.

Dec. 14:  Declare.  Psalm 96: 1-3.

Dec. 15:  Glory.  Hebrews 1: 1-3.

Dec. 16:  Light.  John 1: 4-5.



Dec. 17:  Love.  Zeph. 3: 14-17.

Dec. 18:  Sing.  Isaiah 12: 4-6.

Dec. 19: Wait.  Titus 2: 11-14.

Dec. 20:  Give.  Luke 6: 38-39.

Dec. 21.  Joy.  Luke 1: 39-45.

Dec. 22.  Come.  Hebrews 10: 5-10

Dec. 23:  Humble.  Luke 1: 46-49.


Dec. 24:  Child.  Isaiah 9: 6-7

Dec. 25:  Proclaim.  Luke 2: 8-20.


Feel free to join in, if Advent is part of your holiday traditions.  Feel free to ignore if it isn’t.  Happy Holidays,  whichever holiday is dear to your heart.

{All pictures courtesy of Pixabay}


Advent 2016 Word a Day Challenge

My church is sponsoring an Advent Word a Day challenge.  The pastor has given us a list of 28 words, one from every day from November 27, the first Sunday of Advent, to December 24, Christmas Eve.  The challenge is to:

  1. Think about the word.  What does it mean to you?
  2. Take a picture of something that represents the word and share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. using the hashtag #TUMCAdvent2016.
  3. Be blessed by what others on the same Advent journey share.

Advent, after all, is not just a time for shopping for presents and decorating.  It’s a time for mentally,  emotionally, and spiritually preparing for Christmas.

So far I have posted a picture of Norman Rockwell’s Freedom of Speech painting for freedom, a YouTube link to Peter, Paul, and Mary performing the Hanukkah song “Light One Candle” for light, a photograph of a rainbow over the Isle of Skye for hope, a Tolkien quotation for lost, etc.

If you’d like to join along, here’s the word list.  I’ve been doing the Word a Day Challenge on my personal Facebook account, but not my professional account, and on Twitter @WriterMacdonald.

November 27 — hope  [First Sunday of Advent]

November 28 — freedom

November 29 — comfort

November 30 — lost

December 1 — wait

December 2 — light

December 3 —  look

December 4 — love  [Second Sunday of Advent]

December 5 — promise

December 6 — open  [St. Nicholas’ Day]

December 7 — darkness

December 8 — justice

December 9 — awake

December 10 — bless

December 11 — joy  [Third Sunday of Advent]

December 12 — delight  [Feast Day of Our Lady of Gaudalupe]

December 13 — pray  [St. Lucia’s Day]

December 14 — announce

December 15 — bring

December 16 — story

December 17 — dawn

December 18 — peace  [Fourth Sunday of Advent]

December 19 — follow

December 20 — near

December 21 — praise  [Winter Solstice]

December 22 — watch

December 23 — prepare

December 24 — rejoice  [Christmas Eve]

The featured image was the meditation photo for the First Sunday of Advent, and was taken by Marcus McAdam.